Hand in the Monitor Optical Illusion

Of all of the transparent desktops created that were featured in the previous post this one was the most convincing. The desktop below is a very cleverly created optical illusion.

Hand in the Monitor Optical Illusion
Hand in the Monitor Optical Illusion

Many of the desktops used hands or arms to make the illusion of a transparent desktop real to the viewer. This is the only one that puts the hand into the picture from the front. All of the desktop creations in this flicker set make it a point of emphasizing that they were not photoshopped. I don't know if we can say the same of this creation.

How do you think this one illusion was accomplished? Could it have been done without photo manipulation? Could the calculator be real (or a real cut out picture) and hanging or propped up by something? I found this desktop here.

The truth is this was not photoshopped either. The calculator was just lanched in front of the background image of his hand. This was a very clever illusion indeed.

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