Optical Illusions used by Plants and Animals

Optical illusions are survivor mechanisms for many plants and animals. We are all familiar with the chameleon. Presented here is the chameleon and other various examples of animals and plants using optical illusions to survive.

With its distinctive shape, ponderous movements and tiny eyes at the ends of conical turrets, the chameleon is an unmistakable reptile. Its ability to change colour is very well known, but this is not done to match its background as commonly believed - although that may happen coincidentally - but as a means of communication and to regulate body temperature.

If you surprise a chameleon, it will inflate its body, open its mouth to reveal it bright orange palette, hiss, and lunge forward. Such behavior is intended to surprise and confuse any attacker, giving the chameleon time to make an escape and utilize its superb camouflage against the foliage of a shrub or tree. Although slow-moving when under observation - they walk slowly to avoid detection - chameleons are actually able to scamper quite quickly when being pursued. The ferocious defensive behavior of these little lizards led to the ancient Greeks naming them 'Dwarf Lions' - 'Chamai leons'.

Twigs or Walking Sticks?

With special resemblance, animals use a combination of color, shape and behavior to help them appear like something in their habitat. They are simply mistaken for something else. The walking stick is a great example. This insect becomes almost invisible due to the shape of its body, its coloration and its slow movement. It looks and acts just like a twig on a bush or tree..

Plants or Rocks

Living stones also known as Lithops are plants that survive by looking like rocks in Southern Africa's deserts where they have become highly adapted to conditions of extreme heat and drought.
Twig or Caterpillar?

Which one is the caterpillar, and which is the twig? A close look at the bottom feet of the twig on the left shows that it is really a small caterpillar, which freezes itself into a rigid posture when predators are near! This ability enables it to escape detection by birds (but pays for its cleverness by occasionally having some other insect lay eggs on it by mistake).

Hiding as a Dead Leaf?

The katydid above hides on the forest floor. It has a perfect disguise... it resembles a dead leaf, veins and all!

For more examples of animals using camouflage go to this site.

The Duck Blind?

All of these examples above are nice but the ultimate example of an animal using an optical illusion is the duck in the below picture. Hunters have been using decoys for years it was just a matter of time until the ducks turned the table on them.

Optical Illusions used by Plants and Animals

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