Cool Butterflies Illusion

Below I present the butterfly illusion, if you stare at this long enough the obvious will jump out at you. Can you see what I'm referring to?

Cool Butterflies Illusion
Cool Butterflies Illusion
Obviously sometimes a rose is just a rose. There are no hidden images in this picture, but this does represent a lesson on illusion that every parent and child can relate to. The illusion of individuality.

Child illusion: Every kid goes through their teen years "trying to find themselves". Sometimes they try crazy things in an attempt to stand out. The image above illustrates that most of the time these teen's attempt to stand out just serve to make them blend in with their surroundings.

Parent Illusion: We see our teens doing crazy stuff, dyeing their hair with purple streaks, getting their navel pierced, trying various shades of makeup or wearing clothes that offend our sensibilities. Many of us think that our kids are turning into freaks. For these parents the image above illustrates that your kid isn't a freak, most likely their attempt to be an individual only serves to assist them to blend into their environment.

As a teen just as with the butterflies above the illusion of individuality is mostly just that an illusion (or delusion). Remember, often the more things change the more they stay the same.

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